I'm SOOO excited, I'm counting down the days until the new Sex n the City movie premiers!!! Its the FASHION! The FRIENDSHIPS! and the STORY LINES!~
What might go down on the movie (got to see it to know)
Possibly Expect to see: more man troubles, shopping, and the right for WOMEN to be promiscuous...
~Charlotte faces the realities of PARENTHOOD she has 2 babies now including her adopted daughter
~Miranda (who in the last movie was reunited with Steve) is confronted by her work overload, she is becoming the women she looked down upon, the women who's only conversation consists of her child's play dates???
~Samantha (who in the last movie moved back to NYC from Malibu) has conquered the PR world with a storm! He issue is still dealing with ex boyfriend Smith Jarrod (he has made it to part II yay!!!;)!!!) LOVE HIM!
AND Miss Carrie BABY~ well she gets Pregnant (WOW)! Enough said...
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